Unveil'd Photobook Award 2016

Winner  |  Blokovi  |  Lola Paprocka

Blokovi is a photographic series exploring the New Belgrade apartment blocks and their residents.  Predominantly shot on medium format in August, 2015. Lola’s main source of inspiration comes from her interest and admiration of architecture and portraiture. These two themes frequently present themselves throughout the project. She intends not to focus on any particular group of people or subjects but has allowed the interactions with strangers in everyday situations within the Belgrade’s brutalist architecture to inform the overall narrative.

Publisher | Palm Studios

Author: Lola Paprocka

Design | Moonmadnes.eu

Printer | Mos and Luczak

Edition size | 300 



American Cowboy  |  Karolina Paatos

Photographer Karoliina Paatos has been working on a long term project for the last five years regarding the life of cowboys. She mainly focussed on a few families living in Nevada. Her take on it is very sober, without idolising the hard life but with a lot of empathy for her subjects. She lives with her subjects over long periods of time and by this she gains a possibility to peek behind the curtains of the hard posed outer shell of the cowboys. In these moments she is able to capture their vulnerability, sadness, thoughtfulness and also joy.

Publisher | The Angry Bat

Author | Karoliina Paatos

Design |  3 Ideje

Printer | Eurograf

Edition size | 750


Ten Years After Iraq  |  William Chan

Ten Years After Iraq is the journey of many U.S. veterans who have to reconcile the pride of one's service with the outcome of the war in which they fought. It is a plea for individual release, and a hope for his country to reflect on its past decisions.

Publisher / self-published | Llewelyn Editions

Author | William Chan

Design | Project Projects

Printer | Asia Pacific Offset

Edition size | 1000


Rose is a Rose is a Rose  |  Heesung Chung 

An artist photo book created by Heeseung Chung in 2016. Subtitled as 'Three Morceaux on the Impossibility of Meaning', this book is comprised of short three parts that are 'Tender Buttons', 'Rose is a rose is a rose', and 'Disappearance'. Within this book, the artist deals with the impossible relationship between the words and the image, in search of poetic possibilities from the very failure and anxiety of the medium of photography. <ROSE IS A ROSE IS A ROSE> is limited to on hundred copies, all of which have been signed and numbered by the artist.

Publisher | Hezuk Press

Author | Heeseung Chung

Design | Yeounjoo Park

Printer | Munsung Printing

Edition size | 100


Hitchhike US  |  Stanislav Briza

Hitchhike US is a photography book which narrates an intimate relationship between two
close friends – Stanislav and H. She is his best friend who has been suffering from eating disorder
for more than 15 years and her journey to dreamed USA is not just romantic holiday
but rather hopeless attempt to escape the clutches of mighty obsession.

Their journey results in the loss of illusions and preconceptions, but with the gain of
cognition about not only the American society but also themselves.

Publisher | Bflmpsvz

Author | Stanislav Briza

Design | Petr Mazoch

Printer | Helbich, a.s.

Edition size | 500


Tom Skinner - Director, Unveil'd

Jessica Lennan - Associate Lecturer of Photography, Plymouth University 

Oliver Udy - Publisher, Antler Press